
Thursday, January 28, 2016

New night wear

My oldest son needed new night wear. I bought this fabric for him over a year ago but he doesn't want to wear anything with a picture on it anymore so this was a perfect eco fabric for night wear. I also finally got to use some of my striped ribs for these. I have quite many meters of striped ribs but still I never choose them to any shirts or pants.

Patterns: Jim's night wear pants and Uncle Jim's night wear shirt from Ottobre 6/15
Fabrics: Click! by Nosh Organics
Sizes: 134 cm
Others: black-white rib; elastic band, width 2 cm

Both patterns were quite nice. I cut the ribs a bit longer as recommended so I'm hoping these will fit to him next winter aswell.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Basic shirts

Pari paitaa pojille. Esikoinen tarvitsisi niitä enemmänkin, ja on toivonut jälleen joustofroteisia yläosia, joten niitä taas seuraavaksi. Keskimmäiselle ompelin paidan eläinkankaasta, jonka alkuperää en enää muista. Enkä ymmärrä millä silmillä oikein olen tuon helman leikannut, mutta saa olla. Poika tykkää kovasti uudesta "orava-paidastaan".

A couple of shirts for my sons. Should make more of them as soon as possible. Our oldest son always asks for shirts made of stretch terry so that's what he's going to get. The hem of the yellow shirt looks kind of odd but I have no interest of doing it again. He likes his new "squirrel shirt" so it's ok to me.

Pattern: Literature, Ottobre 4/11
Fabric: organic stretch terry from Nosh Organics
Size: width 134 cm, length 140 cm
Others: some old turquoise rib

Pattern: Little Lamb, Ottobre 4/12
Fabric&rib: don't remember where I've bought them from
Size: 110 cm

Monday, January 04, 2016

New Year

Blogini täyttää tänä vuonna jo kahdeksan. En ehtinyt viime vuonna käyttää paljoa aikaa blogini ylläpitämiseen ja julkaisujakin ilmestyi vähemmän kuin minään aiempana vuonna. Alkuvuoden vietin tiiviisti opintojen parissa, alkukeväästä mursin molemmat ranteeni ja niiden parantelussa meni monta kuukautta. Syksyllä jatkoin taas opintojani, ja aikaa käsitöille oli vähän. Jos vapaa-aikaa jäi, käytin sen joko liikkumiseen tai ompeluun, mutta blogiin asti tuotokseni eivät ehtineet. Saas nähdä parantuuko tulos tänäkään vuonna, mutta voin ainakin yrittää. 

I started this blog almost eight years ago. Before I had a lot of time to knit (especially at school during lectures) but lately I haven't. Last year I finished and published less projects than never before. The first part of the year I had a lot of essays and exams (and three kids). In early spring I broke both of wrists and it took a lot of time to heal. In autumn I started studying again but didn't have much spare time - and if I had, I prefered sports. So I guess I shoudn't make any definite promises about being a better blogger this year I can always try!

Joululahjaompelukset jäivät minimiin. Viisi pipoa taisi tehdä sekä esikoista autoin kolmen kauratyynyn ompelussa. Neulottua sain sentään jonkin verran ja monta isompaa työtä on odottamassa päättelyä yms. Parin illan pikatyönä vuoden ensimmäiseksi neuleeksi valmistui kuitenkin miehelle pipo. Ohje on aiemminkin kokeilemani Violet Waffles ja lanka uusi tuttavuus Tosh Vintage. Suosittelen molempia!

I didn't even make many Christmas presents by myself. Only five hats (by sewing not knitting) and helped my son to make something for his teachers and godmother. Luckily I was able to knit something but they are all big projects and still need some casting off, buttons etc. Hopefully I get to show them to you someday. But yesterday I started a new hat for my husband. Pattern is Violet Waffles (I've knitted it before) and yarn was new to me: lovely Tosh Vintage. My recommendations!

Pattern: Violet Waffles by Halldora J (Ravelry)
Yarn: Madelinetosh tosh vintage, ink
Needles: 4.0 mm and 4.5 mm
Size: one size
79 g