Uh. Enthusiasm was tremendous but the result doesn't fully please me. Some parts are still missing but.. my aim was to knit a lime cardigan with turquoise ribbings for my son. After measuring, knitting and unstitching my child pointed out: "Mom, this is too tight. I don't like this."
Lähdemme huomenna matkoille, harkitsen takin kohtaloa uudestaan paluun jälkeen. Matkaneuleiksi olen valinnut Isabella-hatun (Ravelry) sekä Revontuli-huivin. Lukemiseksi ostin Oman elämänsä puikoissa -kirjan, vaikka Kaikki mitä rakastin on yhä kesken.
We are going away tomorrow and I'm considering the fate of the cardigan afterwards. To knit on the trip I chose Isabella hat (Ravelry) and Northern Lights -scarf (Ravelry). To read I bought Divas don't knit, although What I Loved is still unfinished.

Kävin myös tilaamassa itselleni huiman suosion saavuttaneen Sock Innovationin.
I also ordered Sock Innovation, which has achieved a wide popularity.
