When I was pregnant I dreamed about sewing plenty of clothes for my child. I would buy beautiful fabrics and not get everything from H&M. During two years I've been reading Ottobre (both children's and women's magazines) and admired the lovely patterns and textiles. In reality I got a colic baby who has had so many otitises and all possible childhood deseases you could think of. In addition I started studying a new profession when my child was under one-year-old so I haven't had time to sew (have been buying fabrics though..). It's easy to take needles and skeins to school with you but the sewing machine might had been too much. However this week I got this anxious desire to sew something and after a while my son (2½ years) got pants.
Malli: Simo svetarihousut 92 cm, malli nro 27 Ottobre 4/2008
Kangas: suklaanruskea Nicki-puuvillavelour ja resori, Eurokangas
Muuta: 20 mm leveä kuminauha vyötäröllä
Pattern: Simo pants 92 cm, pattern no 27 in Ottobre 4/2008
Fabric: chocolate brown Nicki polyester velour and welt, Eurokangas
Else: 20 mm width elastic band on waist
Leikkasin kankaita hieman summanmutikassa, mutta hyvät näistä tuli. Ihan päiväkotikäyttöön ovat menossa. Kavensin tosin noin 2 cm sivuista ja vieläkin olisi ehkä saanut ottaa vähän sisään, koska poika on mallia hoikka.
Näistä innostuneena tekisi heti mieli ommella lisää. Harmi ettei ole kangasta. Halvemmaksi nämä eivät tosin tule kuin Lindexin pöksytkään, mutta ainakin saan valita kankaat.
Paras kiitos tuli pojalta, joka sovitti valmiita housuja: "Äiti. Sä oot hyvä neulomaan."
I cut the fabrics not so precisely but they turned out ok. They fit very well for day care center use. I abridged them about 2 cm and they could have been narrowed even more because my son is so slim.
I got so excited and would have wanted to sew more but didn't have anymore suitable fabric. These won't be any cheaper than for example in Lindex but at least I get to choose the fabrics.
The biggest thanks I got from my son who tried the pants on and said: "Mommy. You're a good knitter."
Toinen pupu on lähes valmis.
The second trauma teddy is almost finished.
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