
Thursday, November 04, 2010

For the lovely couple.

Lapaskuu (Mittens' Month?) has arrived again. I think this is my third time taking part in it but for the first time I've actually finished something - and it's only been four days! I thought I couldn't knit any mittens but then I made Cabled mittens in October. I was thrilled and couldn't wait for this project to start again. My first mittens are Lover's mittens. I didn't follow any pattern, just tried to make them fit. They are for my husband's brother and his fiancé as an engagement gift.

Sorry for the awful photo.

Pattern: Lovers' mittens
Yarn: Novita 7 Veljestä, black (099)
Needles: 3½ mm DPN
almost one skein

They have a tiny dog so I was thinking that they could were these while taking the dog out. I wish I could knit these kind of mittens for me and my husband too, but I don't think we could ever wear them. Our son gets so jealous if his father even looks at me and he would never allow us to walk hand in hand. But maybe then when we are gray and old....


  1. Aivan ihanat noi "rakastavaisten" lapaset, itsekin haaveillu tekeväni moiset lahjaks eräälle tuttavaparille, mut en tähän päivään mennessä oo saanu aikaseksi. Ihana lahjaidea ja varmasti ei tuu ihan heti vastaan :))

    Aurinkoiset terveiset,
    Carolina :))

  2. Ihana tuo idea ja hieno toteutus :D

  3. Kiitokset! Lapaset olivat ainakin tykätyt, toivottavasti myös pidetyt. Niiden alle mahtunee kylmemmillä ilmoilla myös toiset lapaset.

  4. Hei, voititko sukkasadossa, vai oliko joku toinen satuk?
    Paljon olet neulonut ihania juttuja!

  5. Hei!

    Olet voittanut sukkasadon arvontaan lahjoittamani huivilangat. Laitatko minulle yhteystietosi, niin saan langat postiin.

